Outdoor Event Guidelines

We acknowledge that going to a singles event can feel like a vulnerable experience and it's scary to try something new. This is why we've taken the time to create guidelines that will allow all participants to feel comfortable being in the space, sharing themselves, and enjoying the event. In order to make events safe and welcoming for everyone, we ask that you follow these guidelines

1. alcohol-free:
outdoor events are alcohol-free to invite a more authentic connection with self and others.

2. no means no:  
consent is important.

3. be generous with your listening:  
notice how much you're giving and receiving in conversations.

4. respect others in the space:  
treat others how you'd like to be treated. you may not be interested in everyone you encounter. we ask that you be considerate of other people's feelings and boundaries.

5. honor yourself and your needs:  
check in with yourself as you are talking with people. notice how you feel in different conversations. it is okay if you want to end a conversation. be honest with yourself, honor your wants and needs, and be kind.

Please respect these guidelines and know that if you do not you will be asked to leave.

We (Nick and Natalie) are at all events to offer any support you may need.


What to expect:
A welcome circle to take in everyone in the space and break the ice. Play-- choose from yard games, board games, and arts and crafts. Snacks will be provided as well as water. Please feel free to bring additional snacks and drinks to share. 

What is the layout of the event?
When you arrive you'll be checked in and get an overview of the space. Once everyone has arrived, we'll transition into a welcome circle to meet everyone and get connected with ourselves and our intention. We'll then open the space for connection through play-- yard games, board games, interactive games, and creative play.

What can I bring?
In an effort to reduce waste, we invite you to bring a reusable water bottle. We will not providing water bottles or cups, but will have jugs for refilling. You're also welcome to bring other snacks and drinks to share. We'll be outside so dress appropriately.

Can I bring a game I have to offer as an activity?
Yes! You are more than welcome to bring an activity to share with others.
To give you an idea of what's provided-- we'll have corn hole, ring toss, arts and crafts supplies, games, playing cards, etc. 

Will tickets be available day of?
These events are limited to 35 people. If tickets are still available you can purchase day of for $35.

What is the refund policy?
Tickets are non-refundable, however you can transfer your ticket to another outdoor event (June 8, July 13, August 10). You have until 48 hours before the event to cancel your ticket.

Where will events be located?
Events will take place at the Great Lawn in Central Park. Exact location will be shared closer to the event.

If you have other questions that have not been answered,
please email info@single-saturdays.com